
About PHII

Professional Home Inspection Institute

Professional Home Inspection Institute
Professional Home Inspection Institute has been training inspectors for more than 10 years! Thousands of home inspectors have obtained the PHII certification by passing the courses based on the national guidelines for home inspection since 1997.

Our courses are approved and accepted in almost every state throughout the US and even the two provinces in Canada (the only two provinces to have regulations for Canada).

Some of the approval listings below are for specific state continuing education requirements. Just because your state is not listed below doesn't necessarily mean the course won't work in your state. It may mean that your state does not have a specific board that approves courses. Please contact us if you have questions about specific course / state requirements.

Dunn & Bradstreet

Dunn & BradstreetDunn & Bradstreet D-U-N-S® Number: 82-771-1776 - Be Online Inc - Professional Home Inspection Institute

Workforce Investment Act

Workforce Investment ActPHII is an approved training provider for many State Workforce Investment Act (WIA) programs including our corporate home state of South Dakota. If you are eligible for WIA training, contact PHII for more information.

ASHI National Association Affiliate

ASHI National Association AffiliatePHII is an affiliate of the American Society of Home Inspectors (ASHI member #243641) and has designed training that meets or exceeds ASHI's high standards of practice.
For verification call (847) 759-2820

AHI National Society Affiliate

AHI National Society AffiliatePHII is an affiliate of the North American Association of Home Inspectors (AHI). AHI is a non-profit organization that promotes professionalism and high standards of practice. PHII graduates automatically qualify and receive a free $199 annual membership to AHI!

NAMRI National Association Affiliate

NAMRI National Association AffiliateAffiliate of the National Association of Mold Remediators and Inspectors (NAMRI). NAMRI is the mold division of the National Society of Home Inspectors.

Insititute of Inspection Cleaning & Restoration (IICRC)

Insititute of Inspection Cleaning & Restoration (IICRC)PHII's mold certification courses award CEC credits for IICRC, Institute of Inspection, Cleaning, & Restoration.
For verification call (360) 693-5675

IICRC Disclaimer: The IICRC does not endorse any educational provider, product, offering, or service. The Institute expressly disclaims responsibility or warranty for third-party publications, products, or instruction. The approved status does not award IICRC Certification.

Allen Insurance E&O Approved Training

Allen Insurance E&O Approved TrainingPHII's coursework is approved and highly recommended by the Allen Insurance Group for home inspector errors and omissions insurance. E & O insurance requires training by an approved provider in order to qualify for coverage.
For verification call (478) 825-5566 ext. 172

FREA E&O Insurance Approved Training

FREA E&O Insurance Approved TrainingPHII's coursework is approved by the Foundation of Real Estate Appraisers (FREA) for home inspector errors and omissions insurance. E&O insurance is required in somd states and requires training by an approved provider in order to qualify for coverage.
For verification call (800) 882-4410

OREP E&O Insurance Approved Training

OREP E&O Insurance Approved TrainingPHII's coursework is approved by the Organization of Real Estate Professionals (OREP) for home inspector errors and omissions insurance coverage.
For verification call (888) 347-5273

Better Business Bureau (BBB) Accredited Member

Better Business Bureau (BBB) Accredited MemberPHII is an accredited member of the Better Business Bureau's Online Reliability Program and are authorized to display the BBBOnline logo. For verification call (515) 243-8137

Veterans Administration Approved Classroom Training

Veterans Administration Approved Classroom TrainingPHII is approved for classroom training by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs which can qualify servicemembers and veterans of the U.S. armed forces to receive tuition assistance.

Florida Association Of Building Inspectors (FABI)

Florida Association Of Building Inspectors (FABI)PHII is an affiliate of FABI, which is an Orlando-based home inspector society that is Florida's primary state-based home inspector society (member AF-0038).
For verification call (800)-544-3224

California Real Estate Inspection Association (CREIA)

California Real Estate Inspection Association (CREIA)The California Real Estate Inspection Association is the symbol of real estate inspection professionalism in the State of California. PHII is an affiliate of CREIA and offer a course that is aligned with CREIA's Standards of Practice.
For verification call (800) 848-7342

 Infrared Level 1 Thermography Approvals

South Dakota (Continuing Education)
The Infrared Level 1 Thermography course has been approved for 60 hours of continuing education credit in South Dakota. To remain on active status, the licensed/registered home inspector must complete 24 hours of approved continuing education by December 31st of the year the license/registration expires. Home Inspection Licenses need to be renewed every 2 years.  Course Number: 4486E6018
Florida (Continuing Education)
Continuing Education Requirement: 14 hours board-approved continuing education is required each biennium prior to the renewal period. PHII's Level 1 Thermography Course is approved for 60 Credit Hours.  Course Number: 0000316

 Advanced Home Inspection Course Approvals

Florida (Pre-Licensing)
Professional Home Inspection Institute is approved to provide the 120 hours of pre-license training for the Florida Home Inspector License. Students receive the Basic & Advanced Courses totaling 120 hours. After completing both the online courses, students are issued an official transcript to submit to the state of FL to get their license.
  School Code: 0005082  Course Number: 0000518
Alberta (Pre-Licensing)
  School Code: Advanced Home inspection 32 hours
South Carolina (Pre-Licensing)
South Dakota (Continuing Education)
16607988004601Cert.pdfThe complete Advanced Home Inspection course has been approved for 32 hours of continuing education credit in South Dakota. To remain on active status, the licensed/registered home inspector must complete 24 hours of approved continuing education by December 31st of the year the license/registration expires. Home Inspection Licenses need to be renewed every 2 years.  Course Number: 4601R3225
Tennessee (Continuing Education)
The Advanced Home Inspection Course has been approved for 32 hours of Continuing Education for home inspectors. Tennessee requires 32 hours of continuing education for each two year renewal period.  Course Number: 219
Oregon (Continuing Education)
PHII is approved to provide continuing education in Oregon. Advanced Home Inspection covers relevant subject matter for home inspectors and, as such is accepted by the Oregon CCB for CEU credit. PHII grants 32 CEU credits for the Advanced Home Inspection course. In Oregon, 30 CEUs are required in the 24 months prior to your certification expiration date.

 Basic Home Inspection Course Approvals

South Dakota (Pre-Licensing)
16526772002296Cert.pdfThe PHII Basic Home Inspection Course (online) has been approved for 90 hours of home inspection pre-licensing education by the South Dakota Real Estate Commission.   Course Number: 2296B9025
Oklahoma (Pre-Licensing)
170322480016725-ht.pdfPHII's certification course is approved for all pre-license education requirements in Oklahoma. The law requires 90 hours of training or equivalent and pass the state exam.  School Code: P-029  Course Number: C-043 16725-HT
Illinois (Pre-Licensing)
1698814800basic.pdfPHII's certification course is approved for all pre-license education requirements in Illinois.  School Code: 452.000136   Course Number: 453.000141
New York (Pre-Licensing)
New York requires you attend a live training class with 100 Hours of Classroom Training, then attend 40 Hours of In-Field Training with a licensed instructor. Specifically, they require 4 modules of 25 hours each for the classroom, and 1 module (module 5) of 40 hours in-field training. Modules can be taken from different schools, or in the case of module 5, can be taken from an inspector in NY.  Course Number: P-0141, P-0142, P-0143, P-0144, P-0145
Arkansas (Pre-Licensing)
1705471200HI PR Course Approval Letter.pdfArkansas requires home inspectors to attend a classroom training programs. Our classroom course (10-Day Course) has been approved for the 80 required hours of pre-license education by the State of Arkansas Home Inspector Registration Board.  Course Number: PR-2024-01
California (Pre-Licensing)
PHII graduates receive a discounted membership into CREIA (California Real Estate Inspection Association) upon completing the PHII course
Kentucky (Pre-Licensing)
Our application for renewal has been approved. The KY approved course package includes Manufactured Homes and Environmental Hazards courses as well as a live training lab, all of which are offered free to PHII students.

The law specifically requires:
1) high school or equivalent,
2) successfully completed 64 hours of a commission-approved training course,
3) passed the Kentucky state exam,
4) obtained general liability insurance.  School Code: KBHI P-1005
Maryland (Pre-Licensing)
Maryland requires home inspectors to attend classroom training. The PHII classroom training program offered at our facility in Madison,SD has been approved for the 72 Hour pre-license training requirement.
Indiana (Pre-Licensing)
indiana.jpgPHII's certification course is approved for all pre-license education requirements in Indiana. The law requires that inspectors complete a pre-licensing course of at least sixty (60) hours provided by a Board-approved course provider.
  School Code: CE10600370   Course Number: PHII
South Dakota (Pre-Licensing)
16147512002018-2809Cert - Residentail Inspection Training Course.pdfThe PHII Basic Home Inspection Course (classroom) has been approved for 48 hours of home inspection pre-licensing education by the South Dakota Real Estate Commission.
New Hampshire (Pre-Licensing)
The PHII Basic Home Inspection Course has been approved for pre-license training in New Hampshire. In New Hampshire home inspectors are required to complete 80 hours of board approved training. The PHII course has been approved for NH Board and fulfills this requirement.
Tennessee (Pre-Licensing)
PHII's certification course is approved for all pre-license education requirements in Tennesssee. The law requires a high school diploma or equivalent degree, successful completion of a 90 hour commission approved training course, passing the Tennessee state home inspection exam and obtaining general liability and errors and omissions insurance.  Course Number: 220
Florida (Pre-Licensing)
1701410400HomeInspectionCEPre-LicensureCourse-CEProviderApproval.pdfProfessional Home Inspection Institute is approved to provide the 120 hours of pre-license training for the Florida Home Inspector License. Students receive the Basic & Advanced Courses totaling 120 hours. After completing both online courses, you are issued an official transcript to submit to the state of FL to get your license.  School Code: 0005082  Course Number: 0000518
West Virginia (Pre-Licensing)
Home Inspectors in West Virginia are required to complete 80 hours of classroom training. The PHII Classroom Certification Course has been approved in West Virginia and meets this requirement.
Connecticut (Pre-Licensing)
PHII's Basic Home Inspection Certification course is approved for pre-license education in Connecticut. Upon completion of the course, potential licensees need to file an intern application with the state and complete 100 inspections supervised by a licensed Connecticut Home Inspector.   School Code: HCE.0000231-CRS
Mississippi (Pre-Licensing)
PHII's Basic Home Inspection Course has been approved for pre-license training in Mississippi. MS requires new home inspectors to complete 60 hours of approved home inspection training.
Oregon (Pre-Licensing)
PHII's Basic Home Inspection Course has been approved for the maximum of 20 points of education required to become licensed as a home inspector.
South Carolina (Pre-Licensing)
PHII's Basic Home Inspection Course has been approved by the SC Residential Builders Commission for SC Home Inspectors. The law requires that home inspectors submit a Home Inspector License Application and include proof of training with the application.
Louisiana (Pre-Licensing)
1698728400Renewal Confirmed.docThe PHII Basic Home Inspection Course (online) has been approved for 90 hours of home inspection pre-licensing education by the LA State Board of Home Inspectors.
Virginia (Pre-Licensing)
  Course Number: 3331001633
Wisconsin (Pre-Licensing)
To become licensed, home inspectors in Wisconsin must:
1.) Submit Application and Fee
2.) Successfully complete the state examination on Statutes and Administrative rules (2014-10-14 - Current Fee $75)
3.) Successfully complete the National Home Inspector Examination (NHIE)
British Columbia (Pre-Licensing)

 Manufactured Home Inspection Approvals

Kentucky (Pre-Licensing)
Oregon (Continuing Education)
PHII is approved to provide continuing education in Oregon. Manufactured Home Inspection covers relevant subject matter for home inspectors and, as such is accepted by the Oregon CCB for CEU credit. PHII grants 16 CEU credits for the manufactured homes course. In Oregon, 30 CEUs are required in the 24 months prior to your certification expiration date.
Tennessee (Continuing Education)
The Manufactured Home Inspection Course has been approved for 16 hours of Continuing Education for home inspectors. Tennessee requires 32 hours of continuing education for each two year renewal period.  Course Number: 218
New Jersey (Continuing Education)
The Manufactured Home Inspection course has been approved for 16 professional development hours. Home inspectors are required to complete a minimum of 40 hours of continuing education for each biennial licensing period. Up to 20 units of continuing education can be obtain through online courses.
Oklahoma (Continuing Education)
1643349600Doc3632.pdfThe PHII Manufactured Home Inspection Course has been approved for 8 hours of continuing education in Oklahoma. As a condition of license renewal or reactivation, each home inspector is required to submit evidence of having attended eight (8) clock hours of continuing education within the twelve (12) months immediately preceding the term for which the license is to be issued.  Course Number: 15612-H
Indiana (Continuing Education)
Professional Home Inspection Institute has been approved by the Indiana Professional Licensing Agency as a continuing education course provider for home inspectors. In the State of Indiana home inspectors are required to complete 32 continuing education hours in each renewal period. Of these, at least 24 hours must be from Category I and no more than 8 continuing education hours from Category II. The Manufactured Home Inspection Certification Course provides 16 hours of continuing education credit in Category I.  School Code: CE21000930
Kansas (Continuing Education)
Licensed home inspectors in Kansas are required to obtain 16 hours of continuing education annually. Professional Home Inspection Institute's Manufactured Home Inspection Course provides 16 continuing education hours in Kansas.
Wisconsin (Continuing Education)
Professional Home Inspection Institute's Manufactured Home Inspection Course provides 16 hours of continuing education for home inspectors in Wisconsin. In the state of Wisconsin, registered home inspectors are required to complete 20 hours each year of continuing education course related to home inspection.
New Hampshire (Continuing Education)
The New Hampshire Board of Home Inspectors requires continuing education as a condition of license renewal. Licensees must accumulate 20 continuing education hours for each licensing period. Manufactured Home Inspection provides 16 continuing education hours for home inspectors in New Hampshire.
West Virginia (Continuing Education)
Home Inspectors in West Virginia can use the Manufactured Home Inspection Course to fulfill all 16 hours of their continuing education requirement. An applicant for renewal of a home inspector certification must complete at least 16 hours of acceptable continuing education.
Florida (Continuing Education)
Continuing Education Requirement: 14 hours board-approved continuing education is required each biennium prior to the renewal period. PHII's Manufactured Home Course is approved for 16 Credit Hours.  Course Number: 0000317
Illinois (Continuing Education)
1476162000ManHomeInspection.pdfThe PHII Manufactured Home Inspection Course has been approved for 12 hours of continuing education in Illinois.
Prior to renewing a license, the licensee is required to complete 12 hours of continuing education during the two year license period. New inspectors receiving their initial license during that period are only required to complete 6 CE hours.

Hours: 12 Category: Mandatory  School Code: 452.0000136  Course Number: 454.000574
South Dakota (Continuing Education)
16653780004606Cert.pdfThe Manufactured Home Inspection course has been approved for 16 hours of continuing education credit in South Dakota. To remain on active status, the licensed/registered home inspector must complete 24 hours of approved continuing education by December 31st of the year the license/registration expires. Home Inspection Licenses need to be renewed every 2 years.  Course Number: 4606R1625

 Structural Pest Inspection Approvals

Virginia (Pre-Licensing)
Vicki Rengers, Unit Supervisor, Pesticide Services

Virginia does not require a license for Residential Pest Inspectino at this time.
South Dakota (Continuing Education)
The Structural Pest Inspection course has been approved for 24 hours of continuing education credit in South Dakota. To remain on active status, the licensed/registered home inspector must complete 24 hours of approved continuing education by December 31st of the year the license/registration expires. Home Inspection Licenses need to be renewed every 2 years.  Course Number: 2977R2410
Oregon (Continuing Education)
PHII is approved to provide continuing education in Oregon. Structural Pest Inspection covers relevant subject matter for home inspectors and, as such is accepted by the Oregon CCB for CEU credit. PHII grants 24 CEU credits for the pest inspection course. In Oregon, 30 CEUs are required in the 24 months prior to your certification expiration date.
Pennsylvania (Continuing Education)
Pennsylvania does not license Pest Inspectors, however many banks require inspectors to have their Pest Applicator's license before they will contract with them.
To maintain pesticide certification, applicators must accumulate update training at three-year intervals for which recertification credits have been approved. Regardless of the category of certification, each applicator must accumulate six core credits. The number of category-specific credits required for recertification varies from category to category.
The PHII Structural Pest Inspection Course has been approved for:

Category - Credit

11 - Household / Health Related - 10 credits.

12 - Wood Destroying Pests - 10 credits.

18 - Demonstration and Research - 10 credits.

23 - Park/School Pest Control - 10 credits.

Categories 11, 12, 18, 19, & 23 require 10 training credits for each three year license period.   Course Number: 0021NQ
New Jersey (Continuing Education)
The Structural Pest Inspection course has been approved for 24 continuing education units. Home inspectors are required to complete a minimum of 40 units of continuing education for each biennial licensing period. Up to 20 units of continuing education can be obtain from online courses.
Indiana (Continuing Education)
Professional Home Inspection Institute has been approved by the Indiana Professional Licensing Agency as a continuing education course provider for home inspectors. In the State of Indiana home inspectors are required to complete 32 continuing education hours in each renewal period. Of these, at least 24 hours must be from Category I and no more than 8 continuing education hours from Category II. The Structural Pest Inspection Course provides 12 hours of continuing education credit in Category II.  School Code: CE21000930
Wisconsin (Continuing Education)
Professional Home Inspection Institute's Structural Pest Inspection Course provides 24 hours of continuing education for home inspectors in Wisconsin. In the state of Wisconsin, registered home inspectors are required to complete 20 hours each year of continuing education course related to home inspection.
New Hampshire (Continuing Education)
The New Hampshire Board of Home Inspectors requires continuing education as a condition of license renewal. Licensees must accumulate 20 continuing education hours for each licensing period. Structural Pest Inspection provides 24 continuing education hours for home inspectors in New Hampshire.
Delaware (Continuing Education)
The Structural Pest Inspection Course has been approved by the Delaware Department of Agriculture, Pesticide Compliance to meet the requirement for recertification of commercial pesticide applicators. Approved for 18 hours of 7B category,Wood Destroying Pest Control, credits. This number is the maximum allowable for Delaware recertification credits from on-line courses   Course Number: 111209-7B

 Residential Mold Inspector Certification Course Approvals

Oregon (Continuing Education)
PHII is approved to provide continuing education in Oregon. Residential Mold Inspector Certification covers relevant subject matter for home inspectors and, as such is accepted by the Oregon CCB for CEU credit. In Oregon, 30 CEUs are required in the 24 months prior to your certification expiration date.
Tennessee (Continuing Education)
The Residential Mold Inspection Course has been approved for 32 hours of Continuing Education for home inspectors. Tennessee requires 32 hours of continuing education for each two year renewal period.  Course Number: 217
Indiana (Continuing Education)
Professional Home Inspection Institute has been approved by the Indiana Professional Licensing Agency as a continuing education course provider for home inspectors. In the State of Indiana home inspectors are required to complete 32 continuing education hours in each renewal period. Of these, at least 24 hours must be from Category I and no more than 8 continuing education hours from Category II. The Residential Mold Inspection Certification Course provides 16 hours of continuing education credit in Category II.  School Code: CE21000930
Kansas (Continuing Education)
Licensed home inspectors in Kansas are required to obtain 16 hours of continuing education annually. Professional Home Inspection Institute's Residential Mold Inspector Certification Course provides 16 continuing education hours in Kansas.
Wisconsin (Continuing Education)
Professional Home Inspection Institute's Residential Mold Inspector Certification Course provides 16 hours of continuing education for home inspectors in Wisconsin. In the state of Wisconsin, registered home inspectors are required to complete 20 hours each year of continuing education course related to home inspection.
New Hampshire (Continuing Education)
The New Hampshire Board of Home Inspectors requires continuing education as a condition of license renewal. Licensees must accumulate 20 continuing education hours for each licensing period. Residential Mold Inspector Certification provides 32 continuing education hours for home inspectors in New Hampshire.
West Virginia (Continuing Education)
Home Inspectors in West Virginia can use the Residential Mold Inspector Certification Course to fulfill all 16 hours of their continuing education requirement. An applicant for renewal of a home inspector certification must complete at least 16 hours of acceptable continuing education.
(Continuing Education)
1666328400PMII - Residential Mold Inspecton - Online - 14 Hours.pdf14 CREDIT HOURS

Certification course for residential mold inspection / mold assessment

We must submit the name and registrant number of the individual/s who complete the program, using the form they provided. The course code is 1856.
Florida (Continuing Education)
1585803600FLRez2020RenewApproved.pdfContinuing Education Requirement: 14 hours board-approved continuing education is required each biennium prior to the renewal period. PMII's Residential Mold Inspector Certification is approved for 90 Credit Hours.

Approved hour breakdown (W/MI=12; M/MS=24; SOP=48; RW=6)  School Code: 5804  Course Number: 0000231

 Mold Remediation Certification Course Approvals

Louisiana (Pre-Licensing)
The PMII Mold Remediation course has been approved by the state of LA for the required 24 hours of board approved course work in mold remediation and basic mold assessment. Students must also apply for a license through the state and take 4 hours of instruction in Louisiana's Unfair Trade Practices and Consumer Protection Law. This can be done through the state after license is approved.
Tennessee (Continuing Education)
The Mold Remediation Course has been approved for 24 hours of Continuing Education for home inspectors. Tennessee requires 32 hours of continuing education for each two year renewal period.  Course Number: 216
Indiana (Continuing Education)
Professional Home Inspection Institute has been approved by the Indiana Professional Licensing Agency as a continuing education course provider for home inspectors. In the State of Indiana home inspectors are required to complete 32 continuing education hours in each renewal period. Of these, at least 24 hours must be from Category I and no more than 8 continuing education hours from Category II. The Mold Remediation Certification Course provides 16 hours of continuing education credit in Category II.  School Code: CE21000930
Kansas (Continuing Education)
Licensed home inspectors in Kansas are required to obtain 16 hours of continuing education annually. Professional Home Inspection Institute's Mold Remediation Certification Course provides 16 continuing education hours in Kansas.
Wisconsin (Continuing Education)
Professional Home Inspection Institute's Mold Remediation Certification Course provides 16 hours of continuing education for home inspectors in Wisconsin. In the state of Wisconsin, registered home inspectors are required to complete 20 hours each year of continuing education course related to home inspection.
New Hampshire (Continuing Education)
The New Hampshire Board of Home Inspectors requires continuing education as a condition of license renewal. Licensees must accumulate 20 continuing education hours for each licensing period. Mold Remediation provides 24 continuing education hours for home inspectors in New Hampshire.
West Virginia (Continuing Education)
Home Inspectors in West Virginia can use the Mold Remediation Certification Course to fulfill all 16 hours of their continuing education requirement. An applicant for renewal of a home inspector certification must complete at least 16 hours of acceptable continuing education.
(Continuing Education)
1666328400PMII - - Mold Remediation Protocols - Online - 14 Hours.pdf14 CREDIT HOURS
Certification course for mold remediation, cleanup, containment, & prevention

e must submit the name and registrant number of the individual/s who complete the program, using the form they provided. The course code is 1855.
Florida (Continuing Education)
Continuing Education Requirement: 14 hours board-approved continuing education is required each biennium prior to the renewal period. PMII's Mold Remediation Certification is approved for 40 Credit Hours.

Approved hour breakdown (W/MI=6; M/MS=12; SOP=20; RW=2)  School Code: 5804  Course Number: 0000164

 Commercial Mold Inspector Certification Approvals

Tennessee (Continuing Education)
The Commercial Mold Inspection Course has been approved for 16 hours of Continuing Education for home inspectors. Tennessee requires 32 hours of continuing education for each two year renewal period.  Course Number: 215
Indiana (Continuing Education)
Professional Home Inspection Institute has been approved by the Indiana Professional Licensing Agency as a continuing education course provider for home inspectors. In the State of Indiana home inspectors are required to complete 32 continuing education hours in each renewal period. Of these, at least 24 hours must be from Category I and no more than 8 continuing education hours from Category II. The Commerical Mold Inspection Course provides 12 hours of continuing education credit in Category II.  School Code: CE21000930
Kansas (Continuing Education)
Licensed home inspectors in Kansas are required to obtain 16 hours of continuing education annually. Professional Home Inspection Institute's Commercial Mold Inspector Certification provides 16 continuing education hours in Kansas.
Wisconsin (Continuing Education)
Professional Home Inspection Institute's Commercial Mold Inspector Certification Course provides 16 hours of continuing education for home inspectors in Wisconsin. In the state of Wisconsin, registered home inspectors are required to complete 20 hours each year of continuing education course related to home inspection.
New Hampshire (Continuing Education)
The New Hampshire Board of Home Inspectors requires continuing education as a condition of license renewal. Licensees must accumulate 20 continuing education hours for each licensing period. Commercial Mold Inspector provides 16 continuing education hours for home inspectors in New Hampshire.
West Virginia (Continuing Education)
Home Inspectors in West Virginia can use the Commercial Mold Inspector Certification Course to fulfill all 16 hours of their continuing education requirement. An applicant for renewal of a home inspector certification must complete at least 16 hours of acceptable continuing education.
(Continuing Education)
1666328400PMII - Commercial Mold Inspection - Online - 14 Hours.pdf14 CREDIT HOURS

Certification course for commercial mold inspection / mold assessment

We must submit the name and registrant number of the individual/s who complete the program, using the form they provided. The course code is 1857
Florida (Continuing Education)
Continuing Education Requirement: 14 hours board-approved continuing education is required each biennium prior to the renewal period. PMII's Commercial Mold Inspection is approved for 16 Credit Hours.

Approved hour breakdown (W/MI=6; M/MS=5; SOP=3; RW=2)  School Code: 5804  Course Number: 0000165

 Residential Appliance Efficiency Approvals

Indiana (Continuing Education)
Professional Home Inspection Institute has been approved by the Indiana Professional Licensing Agency as a continuing education course provider for home inspectors. In the State of Indiana home inspectors are required to complete 32 continuing education hours in each renewal period. Of these, at least 24 hours must be from Category I and no more than 8 continuing education hours from Category II. The Residential Appliance Efficiency Course provides 10 hours of continuing education credit in Category II.  School Code: CE21000930
Kansas (Continuing Education)
Licensed home inspectors in Kansas are required to obtain 16 hours of continuing education annually. Professional Home Inspection Institute's Residential Appliance Efficiency provides 10 continuing education hours in Kansas.
Wisconsin (Continuing Education)
Professional Home Inspection Institute's Residential Appliance Efficiency Course provides 10 hours of continuing education for home inspectors in Wisconsin. In the state of Wisconsin, registered home inspectors are required to complete 20 hours each year of continuing education course related to home inspection.
New Hampshire (Continuing Education)
The New Hampshire Board of Home Inspectors requires continuing education as a condition of license renewal. Licensees must accumulate 20 continuing education hours for each licensing period. Residential Appliance Efficiency provides 10 continuing education hours for home inspectors in New Hampshire.
West Virginia (Continuing Education)
Home Inspectors in West Virginia can use the Residential Appliance Efficiency Course to fulfill 10 hours of their continuing education requirement. An applicant for renewal of a home inspector certification must complete at least 16 hours of acceptable continuing education.

 Weatherization & Insulation Remediation Approvals

Indiana (Continuing Education)
Professional Home Inspection Institute has been approved by the Indiana Professional Licensing Agency as a continuing education course provider for home inspectors. In the State of Indiana home inspectors are required to complete 32 continuing education hours in each renewal period. Of these, at least 24 hours must be from Category I and no more than 8 continuing education hours from Category II. The Weatherization & Insulation Remediation Course provides 24 hours of continuing education credit in Category I.  School Code: CE21000930
Wisconsin (Continuing Education)
Professional Home Inspection Institute's Weatherization & Insulation Remediation Course provides 24 hours of continuing education for home inspectors in Wisconsin. In the state of Wisconsin, registered home inspectors are required to complete 20 hours each year of continuing education course related to home inspection.
New Hampshire (Continuing Education)
The New Hampshire Board of Home Inspectors requires continuing education as a condition of license renewal. Licensees must accumulate 20 continuing education hours for each licensing period. Weatherization & Insulation Remediation provides 24 continuing education hours for home inspectors in New Hampshire.
Florida (Continuing Education)
Continuing Education Requirement: 14 hours board-approved continuing education is required each biennium prior to the renewal period. PHII's Weatherization & Insulation Remediation Course is approved for 24 Credit Hours.  Course Number: 0000318

 Manufactured Home Weatherization Approvals

Indiana (Continuing Education)
Professional Home Inspection Institute has been approved by the Indiana Professional Licensing Agency as a continuing education course provider for home inspectors. In the State of Indiana home inspectors are required to complete 32 continuing education hours in each renewal period. Of these, at least 24 hours must be from Category I and no more than 8 continuing education hours from Category II. The Manufactured Home Weatherization Course provides 12 hours of continuing education credit in Category I.  School Code: CE21000930
Wisconsin (Continuing Education)
Professional Home Inspection Institute's Manufactured Homes Weatherization Course provides 12 hours of continuing education for home inspectors in Wisconsin. In the state of Wisconsin, registered home inspectors are required to complete 20 hours each year of continuing education course related to home inspection.
New Hampshire (Continuing Education)
The New Hampshire Board of Home Inspectors requires continuing education as a condition of license renewal. Licensees must accumulate 20 continuing education hours for each licensing period. Manufactured Home Weatherization provides 12 continuing education hours for home inspectors in New Hampshire.

 Energy Audit Diagnostics Approvals

Indiana (Continuing Education)
Professional Home Inspection Institute has been approved by the Indiana Professional Licensing Agency as a continuing education course provider for home inspectors. In the State of Indiana home inspectors are required to complete 32 continuing education hours in each renewal period. Of these, at least 24 hours must be from Category I and no more than 8 continuing education hours from Category II. The Energy Audit Diagnostics Course provides 20 hours of continuing education credit in Category II.  School Code: CE21000930
Kansas (Continuing Education)
Licensed home inspectors in Kansas are required to obtain 16 hours of continuing education annually. Professional Home Inspection Institute's Energy Audit Diagnostics Course provides 20 continuing education hours in Kansas.
Wisconsin (Continuing Education)
Professional Home Inspection Institute's Energy Audit Diagnostics Course provides 20 hours of continuing education for home inspectors in Wisconsin. In the state of Wisconsin, registered home inspectors are required to complete 20 hours each year of continuing education course related to home inspection.
New Hampshire (Continuing Education)
The New Hampshire Board of Home Inspectors requires continuing education as a condition of license renewal. Licensees must accumulate 20 continuing education hours for each licensing period. Energy Audit Diagnostics provides 20 continuing education hours for home inspectors in New Hampshire.
West Virginia (Continuing Education)
Home Inspectors in West Virginia can use the Energy Audit Diagnostics Course to fulfill all 16 hours of their continuing education requirement. An applicant for renewal of a home inspector certification must complete at least 16 hours of acceptable continuing education.
Florida (Continuing Education)
Continuing Education Requirement: 14 hours board-approved continuing education is required each biennium prior to the renewal period. PHII's Energy Audit Diagnostics Course is approved for 20 Credit Hours.  Course Number: 0000313

 Mold Remediation Protocols Approvals

Florida (Continuing Education)
Continuing Education Requirement: 14 hours board-approved continuing education is required each biennium prior to the renewal period. PMII's Mold Remediation Protocols is approved for 16 Credit Hours.

Approved hour breakdown (M/MS=4; SOP=10; RW=2)  School Code: 5804  Course Number: 0000232
(Continuing Education)